Rachel and Dan - Port Stephens Wedding at the Anchorage
When I walked into Dan’s room for his wedding prep, my heart nearly exploded. Standing before me was one of the most handsome guys I had ever met. You all think I’m talking about Dan don’t you?
He certainly was a handsome groom, but my heart fell for his and Rachel’s little boy straight away. The little heartbreaker was Dan’s best man, and perched himself at the front of the aisle in his Dad’s arms when his mama walked toward them.
I went to Rachel’s room next and was BLOWN away at how beautiful her and the bridesmaids looked. Talk about stunning! She was effortless as a bride, and just so ready to marry her love and be his wife.
This day was so so windy. I almost can’t believe that the photos don’t display how windy it was, but no weather dampens a wedding out at the always stunning Anchorage, Port Stephens. Beautiful scenery, epic locations and always guaranteed a beautiful wedding.
Thanks for having me at your amazing wedding!
Hair and Makeup: Empire
Flowers: A Beautiful Occasion
Venue: The Anchorage
Celebrant: A friend